" One penny - change a life..."

This blog was created not for profit motive or personal gain but for the purpose of changing the lives of the street children in the Philippines.

This blog is made available because the blog owner observed that the number of street children in the country has been increasing and this is actually a significant problem that the people in the government has taken for granted.

With this effort as an advocacy work to help the street children, the following objectives of this are:

1) To provide a shelter for these young boys and girls.
2) To give them clean and safe food to eat and water to drink.
3) To provide them a quality education for better future.

Because of this, the blog owner is asking the help of those who are kind-hearted to donate just " a single penny" that would create a change to the lives of the street children.

Street Children in the Philippines

Street Children in the Philippines

Street Children in the Philippines is a significant problem. There are about 1.5 million street children in the country. Everyday, at least a street child is seen walking along the streets, looking for a place to stay, a food to eat.

These street children are actually those who experienced family problems, hunger, violence, escape from their homes and live on the streets.

They actually engaged in scavenging, child labor, begging, peddling, drugs and petty theft. Their rights are actually abused by others.

In terms of genders balance, it is said that there are 2/3 males and 1/3 females who are street children and they are from seven years old to 16 years old.

Because of this serious problem, the owner of this blog wants to give help for this very less fortunate individuals. These young boys and girls who might be the hope of the fatherland must be given an equal rights, a right to live in nice way, a right to education and many more...

So, the blog owner is calling those who are with good and generous hearts to share what they have for these young boys and girls, for them to be given a shelter to live in, a clean and delicious food to eat and an education for a better future.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I felt helpless!

It's already past 11:00 in the evening and its about 15 hours that had passed but I am still thinking and bothered of what I saw just this morning when I was on my way to work.

I was in public utility vehicle and it was very traffic and while waiting our turn to go, there was something that caught my attention. It was a street child (a little girl) who was asking a help from a guy she met while she was walking down the street. The guy actually stopped in front of her and I was thinking the guy will give something or even a single penny but to my surprise she pushed the little girl away that caused her (the little girl) to slip. Without even looking back of what happened to the little girl, the guy walked away.

I really felt bad...I was so sad for the little girl and for what that bad boy done to her. I felt helpless, I wanted to help that little girl but it was also exactly after what had happened the traffic light turns to green which means the vehicles have to go.

It was a very sad scenario. I was really thinking that if I have just time I would help that little girl because I know her situation is very difficult. She might be hungry by that time and she wanted to eat.That was actually my first thought why she asked from that guy. If I had the chance, I would really give her something if not money but at least something to eat. I really felt helpless and that really makes me feel sad the entire day even this time that I am about to sleep.

I am really wondering why a lot of people in this world couldn't afford to share what they have, even just a single penny. They don't realize that even this single cent, would make these street children happy. What is "one penny " to share compare to the many blessings that we receive everyday? They are very less fortunate! I hope everyone would have a heart and will join me to this endeavor. We need to help others especially those little kids in the street. They need food to eat, they need a clean water to drink, a place to stay during night time, a place that they can call home and a loving person whom they can call sisters, brothers or a family. All of these things are what they need and I hope everyone who can read this would have a heart and would share what they have for this very unfortunate little children.

Let us join hands together, let us all help in changing street children's lives in every single penny we give...

I care for street children, how about you?

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