" One penny - change a life..."

This blog was created not for profit motive or personal gain but for the purpose of changing the lives of the street children in the Philippines.

This blog is made available because the blog owner observed that the number of street children in the country has been increasing and this is actually a significant problem that the people in the government has taken for granted.

With this effort as an advocacy work to help the street children, the following objectives of this are:

1) To provide a shelter for these young boys and girls.
2) To give them clean and safe food to eat and water to drink.
3) To provide them a quality education for better future.

Because of this, the blog owner is asking the help of those who are kind-hearted to donate just " a single penny" that would create a change to the lives of the street children.

Street Children in the Philippines

Street Children in the Philippines

Street Children in the Philippines is a significant problem. There are about 1.5 million street children in the country. Everyday, at least a street child is seen walking along the streets, looking for a place to stay, a food to eat.

These street children are actually those who experienced family problems, hunger, violence, escape from their homes and live on the streets.

They actually engaged in scavenging, child labor, begging, peddling, drugs and petty theft. Their rights are actually abused by others.

In terms of genders balance, it is said that there are 2/3 males and 1/3 females who are street children and they are from seven years old to 16 years old.

Because of this serious problem, the owner of this blog wants to give help for this very less fortunate individuals. These young boys and girls who might be the hope of the fatherland must be given an equal rights, a right to live in nice way, a right to education and many more...

So, the blog owner is calling those who are with good and generous hearts to share what they have for these young boys and girls, for them to be given a shelter to live in, a clean and delicious food to eat and an education for a better future.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Donate for Street Children's Christmas Party and Get a T-shirt, a Mug, a Tumbler or a Pin...You help and you make a difference!

Since, the ultimate goal of this blog site is to help the street children, a first project inlined to this goal will happen on December 25, 2010. This is a "Christmas Party for Street Children".

This Christmas party would be a whole day activity where in street children who are begging on the streets will be gathered in one place and they will be given a different Christmas party of which they would experience a different life even for a single day that would actually give them HOPE. With this party prepared for them, they would feel that they are not ignored by the society, that they are loved, cared and valued.

A total of 30 or more street children are expected to be in this Christmas celebration. For one whole day, they will be given nutritious and clean food to eat, clothes that they can wear, slippers, and other things that they need. They will also be given some educational materials that they can use at least a good start and a hope for them that in due time they will be given their rights to education.

Part of this activity is that they will be given at least few hours of non-formal education especially for personal hygiene as it is the most needed for them.

There would be parlor games for them to enjoy and the party would end with distribution of material gifts for these street children.

Of course, this program would not end here, but this would be a continued until the three main goals will be realized.

But then, all of these will not be realized if with out the support of other people. With this, I am knocking at your heart to please, help us realize this dream starting with the " Christmas Party for Street Children".

For those who have a soft and kind-heart there, please donate any amount you can then we will give you something a t-shirt, a pin or a tumbler and or a mug as our token of appreciation.

If you donate, please message here the following:

ADDRESS ( where we will send you the token)
SIZE OF THE T-SHIRT ( if you want a T-shirt)

For donations coming outside the Philippines, we would ask your cooperation in a way that you have to wait a maximum of 20 days before you can receive your requested token since, we will be mailing through a courier available here and in your country as well.

But for the Philippines, a maximum of 1 week or less would be the time you will be waiting.

T-shirt pictures is now available below as you can see but the pin, tumbler and mug pictures will be followed.

If you have questions or clarifications, please feel free to message me here and I will answer you right away.

Thank you so much. Please help make a difference for the lives of the street children.

Why help Street Children?

In every city of any country, we can see or observe street children who are walking down the street begging for money or food from other people, but only few people give or share what they have. Its so sad to know this reality but we couldn't blame these people if they don't want to give or share to these street children. They have personal reasons or beliefs why they don't share but I hope everyone or every person understands why or what is the reason why there are a lot of street children in our country(Philippines) or even in other countries around the world, or why they have to beg for them to live.

Now, I just would like to share this and I hope after reading this people would understand why we have to help these street children, why we need to share what we have with them. And also I want others would know who really these street children are?

Let me share some of the many realities about street children:

Reality #1.

Street children are those children who are living on the street either because they don't have their families or run away from home. These unfortunate children are actually " VICTIMS OF POVERTY" and they suffer the consequences of this like broken families, violence, drugs, alcoholism and even sexual abuse.

Reality #2.

The majority of the street children are boys who were abandoned by their parents and the society as well.They are actually addicted to sniffing a so-called " rugby" a brand of a glue just to ward-off hunger and because of that they suffer malnutrition. They also live in fear of police beatings, arrest and detentions in dehumanized conditions.

Reality #3.

They are considered as "PEST" of the business community in some of the cities in our country( Philippines) and even in other countries around the globe.

Reality #4.

They are victims of the wrongdoing of uncaring, corrupt and abusive politicians as well as with their impoverished parents.

Reality #5.

Street children are always hungry. They leave home hungry and they beg on the streets where they are prone to sexual abuse, disease, malnutrition and illiteracy.

Reality #6.

Most of the street children are illiterate. Because they don't have any support to go for education, they dropped out from elementary school.So, instead of going to school they decided to join street gangs which they think could protect them. Some of these kids are became prostitutes as young as 10 years old.Some are begging for syndicates.

Reality #7.

Street children are the "POOREST OF THE POOR". They are most vulnerable and weakest and unless they are helped they would be victims of HIV/AIDS in the future.

Now, that we know who really these street children? could someone mind of sharing what they have for these kids? I think others are already enlightened but some are not, and I do respect that. Because I know they have other reason/s why they don't want to help, like for example..." Street children don't know how to respect when they ask something from us, or some street children immediately take the food we bring with out even asking permission and they just run away after getting it, or street children don't accept one penny because they want more than one..."

But if these are our reasons, do we realize that we are being unfair to these street children and the reason is quite shallow. Why I say so? It's simple,actually. Do we expect a street children who don't get a formal or even an informal education to respect us the way we think or the way we want it to be? Do we expect them to respect us, to the fact that they don't have parents who would guide them and teach them good manners and right conduct? Do we expect these street children to do the right things or the good things we think despite the fact that they are not guided properly like us. Yes, there are few who can do it, but its 1% of 100% but still they cannot do what we really expect from them because all the unlucky things or miserable life are what they get from the society.

These street children are actually VICTIMS of all the bad things I mentioned above and what they need from us is 100% UNDERSTANDING of their situation.Because they are actually MISUNDERSTOOD BY THE SOCIETY. We SHOULD NOT JUDGE THEM the way we look at them...All we have to do is understand them, why they are acting that way and from understanding we could do the next step that we think could help these street children. I think UNDERSTANDING is the best foundation of everything in order we can help these very unfortunate little kids.

Now, to my readers, would you care to help them? coz I do care....!

Please share your comments..thank you!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I felt helpless!

It's already past 11:00 in the evening and its about 15 hours that had passed but I am still thinking and bothered of what I saw just this morning when I was on my way to work.

I was in public utility vehicle and it was very traffic and while waiting our turn to go, there was something that caught my attention. It was a street child (a little girl) who was asking a help from a guy she met while she was walking down the street. The guy actually stopped in front of her and I was thinking the guy will give something or even a single penny but to my surprise she pushed the little girl away that caused her (the little girl) to slip. Without even looking back of what happened to the little girl, the guy walked away.

I really felt bad...I was so sad for the little girl and for what that bad boy done to her. I felt helpless, I wanted to help that little girl but it was also exactly after what had happened the traffic light turns to green which means the vehicles have to go.

It was a very sad scenario. I was really thinking that if I have just time I would help that little girl because I know her situation is very difficult. She might be hungry by that time and she wanted to eat.That was actually my first thought why she asked from that guy. If I had the chance, I would really give her something if not money but at least something to eat. I really felt helpless and that really makes me feel sad the entire day even this time that I am about to sleep.

I am really wondering why a lot of people in this world couldn't afford to share what they have, even just a single penny. They don't realize that even this single cent, would make these street children happy. What is "one penny " to share compare to the many blessings that we receive everyday? They are very less fortunate! I hope everyone would have a heart and will join me to this endeavor. We need to help others especially those little kids in the street. They need food to eat, they need a clean water to drink, a place to stay during night time, a place that they can call home and a loving person whom they can call sisters, brothers or a family. All of these things are what they need and I hope everyone who can read this would have a heart and would share what they have for this very unfortunate little children.

Let us join hands together, let us all help in changing street children's lives in every single penny we give...

I care for street children, how about you?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Love for street Children

Greetings to everyone!

Let me start by telling you a story about my life, the hardship and difficulties I encountered in life until I became professional.

By the way, I am a graduate of Business Management in one of the well-known school here in the Philippines. Currently, I am now into sales and also doing a part-time job as a teacher in the school of Management. But before I reached this success I actually experienced a lot of difficulties in life...I experienced not to eat in one day..or sometimes you can eat but no viand at all or simply eating rice with water and salt as my viand. My life was very difficult...I was indeed a poor boy.

I am a son of unwanted pregnancy but being a son of unwanted pregnancy is actually acceptable if your mother and father love each other and they are living together as one family but in my case it was not that way, because I was a fruit of the violent behavior of my irresponsible father.He was really irresponsible and I don't know where he is because I never had a chance to meet him since birth but I don't wish to see him.

To continue my story, my mother was actually a victim of selfishness of my father and that selfishness give life to me.I don't know if I will be happy with that or not! My mother way back then was 15 years old and thank to her, she never thought of killing me.Since she was very young, she left their place and of the reason that she was so afraid to her parents, she went to her Aunt in a province and there she stayed until she gave birth to me.After giving birth, she left me there and never never think of my anymore as his son because she believed that I am not deserving of her love and she actually transferred to me the anger that she has to my father. In short, I paid the sin that my father did.

From there, my miserable life started also. I grew up in a foster family who happened to be a poor family in a province where there is no electricity, no water system, no computers, no everything or shall I say a place where modernization is very very far away.

That was the life I was facing as I am growing....At my young age I learned to work that little kids or little boys do not actually do but for me I have no choice I have to work because if I will not work I will be scolded and will receive a lot of physical assault. When I was a kid I have no time to play, instead of playing I have to work and work to earn a money for school and other needs. But even I was young I had a mindset that I have to do this because, this is for me- for my future. I did not stop schooling and the good thing is I was an honor student when I was in grade school. When I am studying I experienced to go to school with out any money at all even a single centavo..I have no rice..I have nothing...the worst is I have to walk 10-20 kilometers away back and forth just for me to study. My life was so hard then... That was at the age of 7 years old to 12 years old...

When I reach high school, my life never changed and more difficulties and hardships..In order for me to finish high school I worked as a "helper" or "slave" in one of the richest families in the said place where I am living. I worked to them, I have to sleep at around 12 midnight or sometimes 1:00AM and wake up at around 4AM and do a lot of things. Before I can go to school I am so tired and sometimes I am late but I never thought of quitting until I graduated in high school with honors.

College time... if I just have to consider my foster family it is very obvious that they can't send me to college but since I was determined I find a way and that I work during night time as a service crew of a fast food chain and at day time I have to study. Life for me was not very easy like other boys and girls out there.

But after all of these things, I able to reach my dream to become a degree holder and a successful person and that I am right now.

Why I am doing this? I only have one purpose and that is to help those street children because I know we have the same experience but the different is that they were not given a chance to have a family. Their lives became more miserable but I believe that its not too late to help these kids.

I want to gather them and give them a home to be called, a place to live in, a food to eat, a water to drink and an education for a better future. But I know i can't do this alone but I need the support of others in any way they can. I want to give hope for these young kids..I want to change their lives...I know how to difficult their lives now...

So, for those who can read these blog, please start giving your donation now...Your single penny can change lives...I want to give these kids a beautiful gift this coming Christmas and that gift will be only given to them if each one of us will help them.

If you have questions, feel free to email me and I will communciate with you.

Thank you so much!:-)